My last Tuesday in Cuzco I decided to go to my first class, grammar, and skip culture to finish exploring Cuzco and to go shopping for last minute items. Grammar was fun and at the end I let my Professor know that I’d be absent from that point on because I was leaving early for a scholarship program back at home. She hugged me and told me how great my Spanish was and wished me luck in my new job.

During break time in between classes, I met Karlayne at the top terrace and we left school to run around the city. She had been slacking on buying souvenirs while I was pretty okay with my purchases, minus 2 or 3 more people I needed gifts for. We went to the Mercado Artesino where we spent a good amount of our money and came out with what seemed like very little purchases (in number). We shopped around for a long time until about 12:30pm, which was the time school let out. We hiked back to the school and found everyone had already scattered for lunch. Karlayne needed to find Rach to use her phone to call her host mom and tell her she wouldn’t be home and luckily we ran into them on the street.
Then Karlayne and I went looking for cheap restaurants to eat at and we found a really hidden one that charged 10 soles for a salad buffet, drink, appetizer, entrĂ©e, and desert. We went up and sat at the balcony and spent our lunch time people watching from above. Karlayne voiced the fact that she thought our waiter was cute so when we were leaving, I told her to invite him out with us since it was my last night. She asked him what he was doing that night and he responded assuringly, “nada, nada,” and then proceeded to kiss us on the cheek twice before telling us he had 2 friends he wanted to bring along and to meet him at 10pm. It was funny because before we knew it we had a date with 3 locals and there were only 2 of us so that was a little wild.
Anyway, we continued to Mercado San Pedro since I wanted to buy the infamous chocolate that everyone had purchased. It tasted like pure cocoa with sprinkles of sugar everywhere, very delicious. Also, Karlayne wanted to get some bracelets and I told her that I had gotten them for a really good deal there, 6 for 5 soles. We got to the market (which smelled horrendous, btw) and clenched onto our bags since we were warned by more than 2 locals to watch our belongings carefully. Karlayne bought some more souvenirs, including some hats which she got at a really good price, and I bought chocolate, coca tea, and fresh honey. We left almost immediately after we got what we needed because the stench was horrible and it was a really crowded market.
When we finished all our shopping we, of course, went to McDonalds to meet up with people. From there, we pretty much just bummed and reread the Wikipedia printout of Peruvian history we were to be tested on at 6:30pm that day. We made our way back to Amauta a few minutes before we were to be tested and nervously flipped over the pages again and again.
The actual group testing wasn’t bad at all, if you read the article. I read it more than 3 times so I was pretty up to date on information concerning Keiko’s father, the terrorist attacks, and the transfer of powers in Peruvian history. We talked about culture and our group specifically had the theme of the Shining Path and Tupac’s Rebellion group (MRTA). I was nervous at first but then realized it was more of a group discussion which was a lot cooler and put less pressure on us. I actively participated and learned that different classes favor the politicians that represent them. A lot of the frustrations and tensions of Lima deal with it being the economic capital of Peru while everywhere else the people aren’t getting compensated from the rise of modernity and their market system. The “test” overall, like I said, went pretty smoothly. I learned a lot and contributed what I knew about terrorist organizations in Peru.
After the test a bunch of people in our group wanted to have my last night’s dinner and so we searched for a place that served coy. Coy is code for guinea pig, a delicacy in Cuzco and I was determined to try it before I left. Luckily, Tyler was right on board with me while everyone else said they’d accompany us but preferred not to have a bite.
We found some random restaurant that served decently priced coy (although coy is very expensive everywhere). It was hilarious because we got into the restaurant and a little boy went up to Karlayne and asked “Why do you appear black to me?” and “Why do you have your face covered in paint?” He asked those questions as he proceeded to look back and forth from the light to her face and then started swinging his hands in front of her face trying to “wipe off” the black. It was definitely a culture shock to him to see someone from the Caribbean.
When our food arrived everyone “eww-ed” and made faces at the fried coy. I was honestly terrified of trying it and hadn’t realized it until it was put before my plate. I thought of how Filipinos eat pig and how a mini pig shouldn’t taste too horrible. Natalie, especially, was horrified because she had a guinea pig of her own that had recently died, Jenny. I wanted to rename our dinner as Jenny but I thought that was a cruel and unusual joke.

Anyway, the first bite was horrendous. The taste was very salty and very dirty, if you can imagine what I mean. Now I’ve tried Alpaca before but that was gamier and this was just straight up wild and dirty, the taste I mean. We had fries and a few vegetables to flush the taste out and Tyler was having a really difficult time swallowing any of the food, haha. I thought I was eating the heart which tasted a lot better than the actual meat of coy but at the end Tyler and I realized that I had gotten the bottom part while he got the top; thus, I probably ate the gallbladder. It was a gross experience and I lost my appetite after that but I was definitely happy to have had the experience and pictures to remember it.
After dinner Nat and Rach decided they wanted to go home because Rach was sick and I guess Natalie was pretty tired. They offered to take my laundry bag home since I wasn’t trying to go clubbing/discoteca-ing with it in my hands. Tyler, Nat, Rach, and I made our way to McDonalds since Karlayne wanted to go home and get ready for our “date.” I didn’t really care what I looked like because I was neither interested nor too excited about it. In fact, I just wanted to hang with the entire group on my last night since I hadn’t done that during my entire time in Cuzco (well not really, anyway). We met up with Vinny at McDonalds and Rach and Nat tried to get a little work done using their wifi before they headed home. It wasn’t long before Karlayne appeared and we had to pick up our guy, Mundo, from the restaurant he was working at all day. Vinny and Tyler agreed to meet up with him since they were kind of sketched out at the fact that he was just some randy local who volunteered to bring 2 friends on the date. For all we know he could have very well been a rapist/molester/I forgot the word for locals who prey on tourists for a green card.
Anyway, Karlayne and I walked to the restaurant where we caught his attention from up on the balcony. We waited probably 10-15 minutes for him to get done, which I was not too happy about considering I didn’t even want to go on this date anymore. When he finally did come down he, of course, greeted us with more kisses and we told him we were taking him to meet our friends at McDonalds which was hilarious considering the ambience of a fast food restaurant wasn’t too romantic. Anyway we took him to McDonalds to meet everyone and it was clear he was way nervous, especially meeting Vinny who looks like he can stomp on him with his pinky toe. I sat near Vinny while Karlayne talked him up for the most part since I couldn’t really understand anything he was saying to me and I was also just trying to go out and have fun.
Finally we made moves and met up with the group at a nearby discoteca. We danced for a little bit and Mundo was definitely in culture shock since he met even more of our group and the dancing was a bit wild for him. We tried to engage him in the bumping and grinding of American culture but he really was tense and just nervous, I guess. After awhile Tyler, Karlayne, Muno, and I made our way to Paddy’s Pub after deciding we were entirely too sober for that operation. Luckily we just made the happy hour special and so we downed a few drinks until we were feeling good. Conversation with Mundo was really dry and it was obvious that he wasn’t as mature as we were although he claimed to be the same age as me. He kept trying to talk to me while I made every effort to steer him toward Karlayne since she was the one who thought he was cute.

When we had had enough and were ready to dance Tyler left us to go back home and pass out since he was tired. He did, however, walk us back to the discoteca where we saw a bunch of people from our group leaving to go take shots. Yianni convinced us that since it was my last night I should tag along and go all out with them so instead of joining the rest of the group in the discoteca we followed that group instead. Mundo, of course, was intimidated especially because this group was a bit wilder and ready to party than most of the others on this trip.
It was funny because he walked about a block up a hill and ended up at some bar where Brielle immediately took her spot behind the counter and everyone ordered up a million shots. Yianni, a bit drunk, kept talking about how I need to take in more and more shots and that they were going to takeee care of me since it was my last night. There was also a little boy selling gum which all the guys played around with and wrestled with, just because of their drunken state, I think. Anyway, I had this Tabasco shot and some baileys and some other stuff from what I can remember because like I said, I was already feeling nice by the time we had gotten there. I felt really bad for Mundo because he wasn’t a heavy drinker and mainly sat on the side with Karlayne and kind of watched us drown ourselves in alcohol.

When the last shot was taken we went back to the Plaza and bounced between discotecas. I think we went back to the first one they were originally in and then moved on to another one nearby. The second one was crazy wild with tourists flooding the place. A lot of creepy locals were there, too but our group mainly stuck together. It was a lot of fun and I can’t get into too many details but overall it was a fun and interesting night. By the way, in the between clubs Mundo tried to escape us and catch a cab home. When Karlayne noticed we confronted him and he said it was getting late and was tired and told us to come by the restaurant so that we can exchange info. I was honestly very happy that he left because I felt bad dragging him around with us and the American culture and way of partying was probably a lot to take in with his level of maturity.

Lol.. beyond done. |
Anyway, like I said I had an amazing last night and I thank everyone who contributed to my shots and getting “gone.” I cabbed it home with Karlayne around 3:30am or so because we were both deathly tired and wanted so badly to be in our beds. When I sunk into my bed Natalie and Rachel were already sleeping although they had texted me making sure I was still alive. I was sad when I realized I was leaving Cuzco in just a matter of hours.